How was gel nail polish invented?
How was nail polish invented?
The invention of nail polish can be traced back to ancient times,
although the specific origins are not well-documented.
The use of nail color and dyes for decorative purposes can be found in
various ancient civilizations, including Egypt, China, and India.
In ancient Egypt, nail color was associated with social status, with
higher-ranking individuals wearing shades of red. They used a mixture
of henna, beeswax, and other natural ingredients to achieve colorful
In China, during the Ming Dynasty, nail polish was made from a
combination of
ingredients like beeswax, egg whites, gelatin, and vegetable dyes. The
colors used had symbolic meanings, and different social classes were
assigned specific colors to wear.
In India, the use of henna for nail color has been a longstanding
Henna, a natural dye made from the henna plant, is applied to create
intricate designs on the nails.

Modern nail polish, as we know it today, was developed in the early
20th century. In the 1920s, a French makeup artist named Michelle
Ménard is credited with creating the first modern nail polish. She
combined the use of pigments with a nitrocellulose base,
creating a liquid polish that could be applied to the nails.
Over the years, advancements in chemical formulations and
manufacturing processes have led to the development of a wide
variety of nail polish types and finishes. Today, nail polish is a
multibillion dollar industry and continues to be a popular cosmetic
product worldwide.
Why do girls even get their nails done?
The nail salon is probably one of the most underrated areas that girls
go to relax. Whenever you walk in, everyone is so kind and you feel like
you left all of your responsibilities at the door. It’s one of the best
feelings! In college, we don’t really have a lot of time for self-care or
relaxation, so whenever we get a couple hours of downtime,
the salon is the place to go!

I don’t know about you guys but with school, work, and interning, some
weeks get pretty difficult, to say the least.
Having a place where someone else can take care of me is the best
thing ever! You don’t have to worry about your crazy schedule
because this retreat is something you scheduled in!
This is the biggest fact ever!! Every time I get my nails done, I feel
confident and powerful. After the salon, I know that my life
might be a mess but my nails aren’t.
Nails that are colored and done boosts my confidence way more than it
should, but that’s alright. Because every once in a while, we all need a
good pick me up, right?
If you have friends who need nail products, you can pay attention to
this nail product online store:www.wenstonbeauty.com! Good quality
and low price!Thank you!